101 Elf Trivia Questions And Answers

Are you ready to test your knowledge of all things related to elves? Whether you’re a fan of fantasy literature, folklore, or holiday traditions, this trivia quiz is designed to put your understanding of elves to the test. From popular culture references to mythical origins, these elf trivia questions will cover a range of fascinating topics. So, grab a pen and paper, or gather your friends and family, and get ready to embark on an exciting journey through the magical world of elves!

The Origins Of Elves

Elves have captivated our imaginations with their mythical charm. Dive into the enchanting world of Elf Trivia Questions and uncover the origins of these magical beings.

Mythological Origins

Elves have been part of mythologies and folklore in various cultures around the world. The origins of elves can be traced back to ancient Norse and Germanic mythology. They were depicted as magical beings with exceptional beauty and long lifespans. The Norse believed that elves were closely tied to nature and inhabited forests, meadows, and mountains.


Table: Mythological Origins Of Elves

NorseTied to nature, forests, meadows, mountains
CelticSupernatural race with magical powers
GermanicHelpful and protective beings

– Elves have fascinated people for centuries, captivating our imagination with their otherworldly presence and magical abilities. – Their cultural depictions have evolved over time, but they continue to remain a beloved and intriguing part of folklore and fantasy literature. – Whether they are portrayed as wise and noble beings or mischievous tricksters, elves have captured our imaginations and continue to enchant us with their timeless allure.

Elf Trivia Questions And Answers

Here are 101 Elf Trivia questions and answers categorized for your enjoyment:

Elf Movie Trivia

Who plays the role of Buddy in the movie “Elf”?
Answer: Will Ferrell.

What is the name of the department store where Buddy works?
Answer: Gimbels.

What is Buddy’s favorite color?
Answer: Green.

Who directed the movie “Elf”?
Answer: Jon Favreau.

What is the name of Buddy’s stepmother?
Answer: Emily.

What kind of animal attacks Buddy in Central Park?
Answer: A raccoon.

Who plays Buddy’s father in the movie?
Answer: James Caan.

What is the name of the elf who raised Buddy?
Answer: Papa Elf.

What is Buddy’s favorite food group?
Answer: Candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup.

In what year was the movie “Elf” released?
Answer: 2003.

Christmas Trivia

Which country is credited with the creation of the Christmas beverage eggnog?
Answer: England.

In the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” how many total gifts are given?
Answer: 364.

Which popular Christmas plant is known for its red and green leaves?
Answer: Poinsettia.

What traditional Christmas decoration is actually a parasitic plant?
Answer: Mistletoe.

Who wrote the Christmas novel “A Christmas Carol”?
Answer: Charles Dickens.

What is the best-selling Christmas song of all time?
Answer: “White Christmas” by Bing Crosby.

In what country did the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree originate?
Answer: Germany.

What is the name of the Grinch’s dog in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”?
Answer: Max.

In what year was the first Christmas card sent?
Answer: 1843.

What popular Christmas beverage is also known as “milk punch”?
Answer: Eggnog.

Elf Culture Trivia

In traditional folklore, how are elves often portrayed?
Answer: As small, magical creatures with pointy ears and a love for nature.

What holiday figure is often depicted as an elf in modern culture?
Answer: Santa Claus’s helpers.

In Norse mythology, what are elves called?
Answer: Álfar.

What is the traditional occupation of elves in folklore?
Answer: Shoemakers or cobblers.

What is the name of the head elf in Santa’s workshop?
Answer: Santa’s Little Helper.

In what famous fantasy series do elves play a prominent role?
Answer: “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien.

According to folklore, what is the most effective way to capture an elf?
Answer: By stealing their magic shoes.

In Icelandic folklore, what do elves typically live inside?
Answer: Rocks or hills.

What is the name of the legendary Viking warrior who became associated with Santa Claus and elves?
Answer: Saint Nicholas.

In Celtic folklore, what are elves associated with?
Answer: The supernatural realm and nature spirits.

North Pole Trivia

What is the name of the fictional town where Santa Claus and his elves live?
Answer: North Pole.

What is the name of Santa’s reindeer who leads the sleigh?
Answer: Rudolph.

What is the name of Santa’s wife?
Answer: Mrs. Claus.

What is the name of the head elf who oversees toy production?
Answer: Bernard.

What is the name of Santa’s workshop?
Answer: Santa’s Workshop.

What is the name of the elf who wants to be a dentist in “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”?
Answer: Hermey.

What is the name of the reindeer who acts as Santa’s navigator?
Answer: Blitzen.

What is the name of the elf who wants to be a dentist in “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”?
Answer: Hermey.

What is the name of Santa’s head elf in the movie “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town”?
Answer: Topper.

What is the name of the island where toys are made in “Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town”?
Answer: Sombertown.

General Elf Trivia

What is the name for a female elf?
Answer: An elf maiden.

In what mythology do elves feature prominently?
Answer: Norse mythology.

What is the name of the elf character in “The Lord of the Rings” who is skilled with a bow?
Answer: Legolas.

What is the term used for a group of elves?
Answer: A fellowship.

What is the Elvish word for friend in “The Lord of the Rings”?
Answer: Melon.

What is the primary material used to make shoes in elf folklore?
Answer: Leather.

In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, what are high elves also known as?
Answer: Eladrin.

What is the name of the legendary elven city in “The Lord of the Rings”?
Answer: Rivendell.

In Scandinavian folklore, what is the name of the elf king?
Answer: Oberon.

What is the name of the elf queen in “The Chronicles of Narnia”?
Answer: Queen Titania.

Literature Trivia

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” what is the name of the elven king?
Answer: Thranduil.

What is the name of the book series by Terry Brooks that features elves prominently?
Answer: The Shannara Chronicles.

In Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” what is the name of the mischievous elf?
Answer: Puck.

In C.S. Lewis’s “The Chronicles of Narnia,” what is the name of the elf who accompanies the Pevensie children?
Answer: Legolas.

In the Harry Potter series, what is the name of the house elf who serves the Malfoy family?
Answer: Dobby.

In the “Artemis Fowl” series by Eoin Colfer, what is the name of the elf heroine?
Answer: Holly Short.

In the “Discworld” series by Terry Pratchett, what is the name of the city where elves reside?
Answer: Ankh-Morpork.

In the “Dragonlance” series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, what is the name of the elven princess?
Answer: Laurana.

In the “Warhammer” universe, what is the name of the elven homeland?
Answer: Ulthuan.

In the “Wheel of Time” series by Robert Jordan, what is the name of the elven nation?
Answer: The Aiel Waste.

Mythology Trivia

In Norse mythology, what is the name of the realm where elves live?
Answer: Alfheim.

In Norse mythology, what is the name of the god associated with elves?
Answer: Freyr.

In Celtic mythology, what are elves called?
Answer: Sidhe.

In Welsh mythology, what is the name of the elf king?
Answer: Gwyn ap Nudd.

In Finnish mythology, what is the name of the elves who are protective spirits of the forest?
Answer: Metsänväki.

In Slavic mythology, what are elves called?
Answer: Domovoi.

In Germanic folklore, what is the name of the female elf who is a seductress?
Answer: Lorelei.

In Russian folklore, what is the name of the malevolent elf-like creature?
Answer: Domovoi.

In Irish folklore, what is the name of the elf-like creature that guards treasure?
Answer: Leprechaun.

In Scottish folklore, what is the name of the water spirit that is sometimes described as an elf?
Answer: Kelpie.

Language and Linguistics Trivia

In what language does the word “elf” originate?
Answer: Old English.

What is the Elvish word for “friend” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”?
Answer: Melon.

In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, what is the Elvish word for “moon”?
Answer: Selûne.

What is the Elvish word for “star” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”?
Answer: Elbereth.

In the Harry Potter series, what is the Elvish word for “house elf”?
Answer: Dobby.

What is the Elvish word for “light” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”?
Answer: Calen.

In the Elder Scrolls video game series, what is the Elvish word for “sky”?
Answer: Nirn.

What is the Elvish word for “shadow” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”?
Answer: Dúath.

In the “Dragon Age” video game series, what is the Elvish word for “magic”?
Answer: Vir Dirthara.

What is the Elvish word for “king” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings”?
Answer: Aran.

Gaming Elf Trivia Questions

In the “World of Warcraft” universe, what is the name of the elven homeland?
Answer: Quel’Thalas.

In the “Final Fantasy” series, what is the name of the race that resembles elves?
Answer: The Elvaan.

In the “Elder Scrolls” series, what is the name of the elven race?
Answer: Altmer.

In the “Dragon Age” series, what is the name of the elven homeland?
Answer: The Dales.

In the “Warhammer” universe, what is the name of the elven faction?
Answer: High Elves (Asur).

In the “Dungeons & Dragons” role-playing game, what is the name of the elven subrace known for their skill with bows?
Answer: Wood Elves.

In the “Magic: The Gathering” card game, what is the name of the elven faction?
Answer: Elves.

In the “Lord of the Rings Online” video game, what is the name of the elven homeland?
Answer: Eriador.

In the “Guild Wars” video game series, what is the name of the elven race?
Answer: The Sylvari.

In the “Warcraft” series, what is the name of the elven faction that split from the Night Elves?
Answer: Blood Elves (Sin’dorei).

Pop Culture Trivia

What is the name of the fictional elven language created by J.R.R. Tolkien?
Answer: Sindarin.

In the TV series “Game of Thrones,” what is the name of the elf-like creatures living beyond the Wall?
Answer: The Children of the Forest.

In the “Star Wars” universe, what is the name of the diminutive, pointy-eared species?
Answer: Ewoks.

In the animated TV series “Avatar: The Last Airbender,” what is the name of the elf-like creatures who live in the Spirit World?
Answer: Spirits.

In the TV series “The Witcher,” what is the name of the elf-like race that once ruled the continent?
Answer: The Aen Elle.

In the “Dragon Prince” animated series, what is the name of the elf-like race that can perform primal magic?
Answer: The Moonshadow Elves.

In the video game series “The Legend of Zelda,” what is the name of the elf-like race that lives in the forest?
Answer: The Kokiri.

In the animated TV series “She-Ra and the Princesses of Power,” what is the name of the elf-like race that lives in the Whispering Woods?
Answer: The Elves of Thaymor.

In the “His Dark Materials” book series, what is the name of the elf-like creatures who inhabit the land of the dead?
Answer: Specters.

In the “Warcraft” series, what is the name of the elven faction that joined forces with the Alliance?
Answer: Night Elves (Kaldorei).

In the “Shadowhunters” book series, what is the name of the elf-like race that can perform magic?
Answer: Warlocks.

That should provide a comprehensive range of Elf-related trivia questions and answers across various categories!

Characteristics And Abilities

When it comes to elves, the fantastical creatures from folklore and mythology, their characteristics and abilities are truly intriguing. From their physical traits to their magic and skills, elves possess a variety of unique qualities that set them apart from other mythical beings.

Physical Traits

Elves are typically described as slender and graceful beings with a delicate appearance. They are often depicted as being shorter than humans, standing at around three to four feet tall. With their pointed ears and luminous eyes, elves exude an ethereal beauty that captures the imagination. Their fair complexion, often described as glowing, is said to be a reflection of their deep connection to nature. Elves have a natural affinity for the outdoors, and their physical traits mirror the harmony they share with the environment.

Magic And Skills

Elves are renowned for their magical abilities and skills. They possess an innate connection to the mystical realm and have honed their craft over centuries. Let’s explore some of the extraordinary magic and skills that elves possess:

  • Archery: Elves are known for their exceptional archery skills. Their keen eyesight and steady hands allow them to hit their targets with astonishing precision.
  • Stealth: Elves are masters of stealth, capable of moving silently and blending seamlessly with their surroundings. Their lightfootedness makes them excellent scouts and infiltrators.
  • Healing: In addition to their combat skills, elves possess knowledge of herbal remedies and healing magic. They have a deep understanding of the plants and their properties, enabling them to heal wounds and illnesses.
  • Illusion: Elves are skilled illusionists, capable of creating fantastical visions and altering perceptions. Their illusions can be both captivating and deceptive, allowing them to outwit their adversaries.
  • Telepathy: Some elves possess the ability to communicate telepathically, which allows them to share thoughts and ideas without words. This form of communication enables them to coordinate their efforts seamlessly and remain connected even in the midst of battle.

In conclusion, elves possess a blend of enchanting physical traits and remarkable abilities. Their slender forms, pointed ears, and luminous eyes make them instantly recognizable, while their mastery of archery, stealth, healing, illusion, and telepathy showcase their extraordinary skills. Whether in folklore or modern interpretations, elves continue to captivate the imagination with their unique characteristics and abilities.

Fun Facts And Trivia

Welcome to our fun and fascinating world of elf trivia! Dive into the enchanting realm of elves with these captivating trivia questions and uncover the intriguing secrets of their celebrations and naming conventions.

Elvish Celebrations

Elves are known for their rich and vibrant celebrations steeped in tradition and mystique. From the joyful Midsummer festivities to the solemn Winter Solstice ceremonies, elves honor the cycles of nature with reverence and merriment. Their celebrations often feature enchanting music, elaborate feasts, and mesmerizing dances that evoke the magic of the natural world.

FAQs Of Elf Trivia Questions


What Is An Elf In Mythology?

An elf, in mythology, is a mythical creature known for its mischievous and magical nature. They are often portrayed as small, human-like beings with pointy ears and have been part of folklore and legends for centuries.


Are Elves Real?

No, elves are not real. They exist only in mythology, folklore, and popular culture. However, their popularity and lore have captured the imagination of many, making them a beloved and iconic part of fantasy literature and films.


How Do Elves Differ From Fairies?

Elves and fairies are both mythical creatures, but they have distinct characteristics. Elves are usually depicted as taller, more human-like beings with a mischievous nature, while fairies are smaller, often with wings, and known for their ethereal beauty and association with nature.


Do All Cultures Have Legends About Elves?

No, not all cultures have legends about elves. The concept of elves is most commonly found in European folklore and mythology. However, different cultures have their own mythical creatures that may be similar to or share attributes with elves.



These Elf trivia questions are a great way to test your knowledge of this beloved holiday film. Whether you’re hosting a trivia night or simply looking for a fun activity with friends and family, these questions are sure to bring plenty of laughter and entertainment.

From Buddy’s favorite food groups to memorable quotes, explore the world of Elf and have a jolly good time. Happy quizzing!

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