101 Best Cat Trivia Questions And Answers

Did you know that a group of cats is called a clowder? Also, a cat’s nose is as unique as a human’s fingerprint.

Cats have fascinated us for centuries with their mysterious aura and playful antics. These feline companions possess an array of interesting facts that enthrall both cat owners and enthusiasts alike. For instance, their notorious curiosity isn’t just a legend – it’s hardwired in their nature, which is why they often find themselves in unexpected places.

Their agility and grace make them exceptional hunters, a trait inherited from their wild ancestors. With an estimated 600 million cats around the globe, they reign as one of the most beloved household pets. Understanding these complex creatures can lead to a deeper appreciation of their role in our lives and the unique bond we share with them. Engaging with cat trivia not only entertains but also educates on the nuances of feline behavior and physiology.

Understanding The Fascinating World Of Cats

Delve into the astonishing realm of felines with our cat trivia questions. Test your knowledge, uncover fun facts, and explore the enigmatic lives of these captivating creatures through our engaging quiz content.

Famous Cats In History And Culture

Dive into the world of feline fame with our cat trivia questions focusing on history’s most iconic cats. From ancient Egypt’s revered companions to Internet sensations like Grumpy Cat, test your knowledge on legendary whiskered icons.

Cat Breeds Around The World

There are over 70 recognized cat breeds around the world, each with its own unique set of characteristics. Some breeds are popular for their playful personalities, while others are prized for their stunning beauty. Here are just a few of the many amazing cat breeds you’ll find worldwide

Fluffy Friends Cat Breed:

  • Persian: The Persian is known for its long, flowing coat and gentle personality. These cats are relatively inactive and prefer to spend their time lounging around.
  • Maine Coon: The Maine Coon is the largest domesticated cat breed. These gentle giants are known for their thick fur, which helps them withstand the harsh Maine winters.
  • Ragdoll: The Ragdoll is a friendly and docile breed. These cats are known for their floppy bodies and relaxed temperaments.

Short Hair Beauties Cat Breed:

  • British Shorthair: The British Shorthair is a sturdy and athletic breed. These cats are known for their short, dense fur and expressive eyes.
  • American Shorthair: The American Shorthair is a friendly and adaptable breed. These cats are known for their short, easy-to-care-for fur.
  • Abyssinian: The Abyssinian is an active and playful breed. These cats are known for their ticked fur and athletic bodies.

Unique and UncommonCat Breed:

  • Sphynx: The Sphynx is a hairless cat breed. These cats are known for their wrinkled skin and friendly personalities.
  • Scottish Fold: The Scottish Fold has folded ears, giving them an owl-like appearance. These cats are known for their sweet temperaments and playful personalities.
  • Bengal: The Bengal is a hybrid breed with the look of a wild cat. These cats are known for their beautiful markings and active personalities.

This is just a small sampling of the many incredible cat breeds around the world. With so many different breeds to choose from, there is sure to be a perfect cat for everyone.

Testing Your Knowledge: Basic Cat Facts

Sharpen your whiskers on feline facts with our Cat Trivia Questions! Explore the captivating world of cats and challenge your knowledge of these mysterious companions through a fun, interactive quiz.

101 Best Cat Trivia Questions

Here are 101 cat trivia questions along with their answers:

General Cat Trivia Questions

Q: What is the scientific name for a domestic cat?
A: Felis catus

Q: How many whiskers does the average cat have?
A: Around 12-24

Q: What is the largest breed of domestic cat?
A: Maine Coon

Q: What is a group of cats called?
A: A clowder

Q: Which ancient civilization revered cats and considered them sacred?
A: Ancient Egyptians

Q: What is a cat’s normal body temperature?
A: 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit (38 to 39.2 degrees Celsius)

Q: How many toes does a cat typically have on its front paws?
A: Five

Q: What is the gestation period for a cat?
A: Around 63 days

Q: What is a cat’s primary sense?
A: Hearing

Q: What is the world record for the oldest recorded cat?
A: 38 years

Cat Behavior Trivia Questions

Q: Why do cats purr?
A: Various reasons, including contentment, stress relief, and healing.

Q: What does it mean when a cat kneads with its paws?
A: It’s a behavior carried over from kittenhood, signaling comfort and contentment.

Q: What is the term for a cat’s raised back and puffed-up fur, often seen when they’re frightened?
A: Arched back or piloerection

Q: Why do cats often bring “gifts” (such as prey) to their owners?
A: It’s a natural instinct, similar to teaching their owners to hunt.

Q: What does it mean when a cat flicks its tail rapidly?
A: Usually a sign of irritation or excitement.

Q: Why do cats scratch?
A: To mark territory, sharpen claws, and stretch muscles.

Q: What is the purpose of a cat’s whiskers?
A: They help cats navigate in low light and gauge the width of openings.

Q: What is the typical sleeping time for cats in a day?
A: 12-16 hours

Q: What does it mean when a cat’s ears are flat against its head?
A: Sign of fear or aggression

Q: Why do cats groom themselves?
A: To regulate body temperature, clean fur, and show affection.

Famous Cats in Pop Culture Trivia Questions

Q: Who is the fictional cat in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”?
A: The Cheshire Cat

Q: What is the name of the cat in the comic strip “Garfield”?
A: Garfield

Q: In the film “The Aristocats,” what are the names of the two main characters?
A: Duchess and Thomas O’Malley

Q: What animated cat is known for saying, “You’re despicable!”?
A: Sylvester the Cat

Q: What is the name of the cat in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”?
A: Puss in Boots

Q: In the musical “Cats,” who is the leader of the Jellicle cats?
A: Old Deuteronomy

Q: What cat is the mascot for a popular Japanese company that produces Hello Kitty?
A: Chococat

Q: What is the name of the cat in the James Bond film “James Bond: Ernst Stavro Blofeld’s cat”?
A: Blofeld’s cat

Q: In the animated series “Tom and Jerry,” what type of animal is Tom?
A: Cat

Q: What is the name of the cat in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Black Cat”?
A: Pluto

Cat Health Trivia Questions

Q: What is the leading cause of death in domestic cats?
A: Kidney disease

Q: What is the most common vaccine for cats?
A: Feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia (FVRCP)

Q: What is the purpose of a cat’s whiskers?
A: They help cats navigate in low light and gauge the width of openings.

Q: What is a common sign of dental issues in cats?
A: Bad breath

Q: What is the term for hairballs that cats may vomit?
A: Trichobezoar

Q: What is the condition where a cat’s tail puffs up due to fear or excitement?
A: Pilerection

Q: What is the recommended temperature for a cat’s water bowl?
A: Room temperature

Q: What is a common symptom of arthritis in older cats?
A: Difficulty in jumping or climbing

Q: What is the recommended frequency for deworming a cat?
A: Every 3-4 months

Q: What is the normal heart rate for a healthy cat?
A: 140-220 beats per minute

Cat Breeds Trivia Questions

Q: Which cat breed is known for its curly coat?
A: Devon Rex

Q: What breed is often associated with having a flat face and large, round eyes?
A: Persian

Q: Which breed is known for its lack of a tail?
A: Manx

Q: What is the largest domestic cat breed?
A: Maine Coon

Q: Which breed is known for its blue almond-shaped eyes and colorpoint coat?
A: Siamese

Q: What breed is known for its distinctive “mutton chops” facial hair?
A: Scottish Fold

Q: Which breed is often called the “dog of the cat world” for its loyal nature?
A: Ragdoll

Q: What breed has a coat that changes color with the seasons?
A: Norwegian Forest Cat

Q: What breed is known for its short, curly coat and large ears?
A: Sphynx

Q: Which breed is famous for its wild appearance and spotted coat?
A: Bengal

Cat Anatomy Trivia Questions

Q: What is the purpose of a cat’s whiskers?
A: Sensory organs for navigation and measuring openings

Q: How many toes does a cat have on its hind paws?
A: Four

Q: What is the name of the small, soft, movable pad on the bottom of a cat’s paw?
A: Digital cushion

Q: What is the purpose of a cat’s retractable claws?
A: Hunting, climbing, and self-defense

Q: What is the function of a cat’s tail?
A: Balance and communication

Q: What is the scientific term for a cat’s collarbone?
A: Clavicle (cats have a floating clavicle)

Q: How many teeth does an adult cat typically have?
A: 30

Q: What is the purpose of a cat’s third eyelid?
A: Protection and moisture distribution

Q: What is the average lifespan of a domestic cat?
A: 12-15 years

Q: Where are a cat’s scent glands located?
A: Cheeks, paws, and tail base

Cat Food Trivia Questions

Q: What nutrient are cats unable to synthesize in their bodies and must obtain from their diet?
A: Taurine

Q: What is a common ingredient in catnip that cats react to?
A: Nepetalactone

Q: What is the primary ingredient in most commercial cat foods?
A: Meat (usually chicken or fish)

Q: What is a cat’s preferred temperature for food?
A: Slightly warmer than room temperature

Q: Why do some cats bury their food?
A: Instinct to hide leftover food from potential predators

Q: What is the term for a cat’s dislike of a particular type of food?
A: Food aversion

Q: What is the name for the small, frequent meals that cats prefer?
A: Grazing

Q: What is the percentage of protein recommended in a cat’s diet?
A: Around 30-40%

Q: What is the primary source of energy in a cat’s diet?
A: Fat

Q: Why is it important for a cat’s diet to include Omega-3 fatty acids?
A: Essential for skin, coat, and overall health

Cat Reproduction Trivia Questions

Q: What is the term for a female cat in heat?
A: Estrus

Q: How long is the typical estrus cycle in a female cat?
A: 7-10 days

Q: How long does a typical cat pregnancy last?
A: About 63 days

Q: What is the term for a group of kittens born to the same mother at the same time?
A: Litter

Q: What is the term for a male cat?
A: Tom

Q: What is the name for a spayed female cat?
A: Queen

Q: What is the average litter size for a domestic cat?
A: 4-6 kittens

Q: At what age do kittens usually start eating solid food?
A: Around 3-4 weeks

Q: What is the term for the act of giving birth in cats?
A: Queening

Q: What is the typical age for cats to reach sexual maturity?
A: 5-9 months

Cat Training and Enrichment Trivia Questions

Q: Can cats be trained to perform tricks?
A: Yes, with patience and positive reinforcement.

Q: What is the best way to train a cat?
A: Positive reinforcement using treats and praise.

Q: What is clicker training, and how is it used with cats?
A: A training method that uses a clicker to mark desired behavior, followed by a reward.

Q: How can you enrich a cat’s environment?
A: Provide toys, scratching posts, climbing structures, and interactive play.

Q: Can cats be trained to walk on a leash?
A: Yes, with gradual introduction and positive reinforcement.

Q: What is the purpose of puzzle feeders for cats?
A: Stimulate mental activity and slow down eating.

Q: How do you discourage unwanted behaviors in a cat?
A: Redirect the behavior, and reward desired behaviors.

Q: Can cats be litter trained?
A: Yes, most cats instinctively use a litter box.

Q: What is catnip, and how do cats react to it?
A: A plant that induces a temporary state of euphoria in cats when smelled or ingested.

Q: How can you prevent boredom in indoor cats?
A: Rotate toys, provide scratching posts, and engage in interactive play.

Cat Communication Trivia Questions

Q: What does it mean when a cat kneads with its paws?
A: Usually a sign of contentment and relaxation.

Q: How do cats show affection?
A: Through purring, head-butting, and slow blinking.

Q: What does it mean when a cat’s tail is puffed up?
A: Sign of fear, aggression, or excitement.

Q: What is a slow blink from a cat interpreted as?
A: A sign of trust and affection.

Q: What does it mean when a cat brings a “gift” to its owner?
A: It’s a natural hunting instinct and a sign of affection.

Q: How do cats mark their territory?
A: By rubbing their scent glands on surfaces and objects.

Q: What does it mean when a cat chirps or chatters at birds?
A: An expression of excitement and frustration.

Q: What is the purpose of a cat’s meow?
A: Communication with humans, as adult cats rarely meow at each other.

Q: What does it mean when a cat exposes its belly?
A: It may be a sign of trust, but not always an invitation for a belly rub.

Q: How do cats communicate with their tail movements?
A: Tail straight up indicates confidence, while a puffed-up tail signifies fear or aggression.

Fun Cat Trivia Questions

Q: What is the world record for the largest number of kittens born to a single cat?
A: 420 kittens, born to a Burmese cat named Dusty in the 1950s.
Feel free to use these cat trivia questions for quizzes, games, or just to test your feline knowledge!

Frequently Asked Questions On Cat Trivia Questions

What Are Some Fun Facts About Cats Trivia?

Cats have five toes on their front paws and four on the back ones. They can rotate their ears 180 degrees, thanks to 32 muscles. Cats sleep roughly 70% of their lives. A group of cats is called a clowder.

The oldest recorded cat lived 38 years.

What Are 20 Interesting Facts About Cats?

  1. Cats have five toes on their front paws, four on the back. 2. A group of cats is called a clowder. 3. Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees. 4. The average cat can jump eight feet in a single bound.


  1. Cats’ whiskers help them navigate in the dark. 6. Domestic cats can run up to 30 miles per hour. 7. A cat’s nose print is unique, much like a human’s fingerprint. 8. Cats have a third eyelid called a haw.


  1. Kneading might signal contentment or mark territory with paw scent glands. 10. Spaying and neutering can extend a cat’s life. 11. Egyptians worshipped cats, associating them with gods. 12. Cats spend 70% of their lives sleeping. 13. A cat’s purr may promote healing and reduce stress.


  1. The oldest recorded pet cat lived 38 years. 15. Adult cats only meow at humans, not other cats. 16. Cats can’t taste sweetness due to taste receptor mutations. 17. Sigmund Freud said time spent with cats is never wasted.


  1. Cats walk like camels and giraffes, moving both right feet then both left. 19. Most world languages have a similar sound for “meow. ” 20. The heaviest domestic cat ever recorded weighed 46 pounds 15. 2 ounces.


What Are 10 Facts About Cats?

Cats have flexible bodies and sharp retractable claws. They communicate through various vocalizations and tail movements. Domestic cats usually weigh between 4 and 5 kilograms. These whiskered creatures have excellent night vision and can hear higher-pitched sounds. An average cat’s lifespan is around 12 to 15 years.

Cats often purr when content.


What Are 50 Facts About Cats?

Cats have retractable claws for stealthy hunting. They communicate using over 100 vocal sounds. Domestic cats sleep for about 70% of their lives. Felines possess a highly developed sense of hearing and smell. Cat whiskers are sensitive to detect minute changes in their environment.

Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees.



As we wrap up this feline-themed quiz fest, remember that every cat fact reflects the charm and mystery of our whiskered companions. Keep sharing these purr-fect tidbits to wow fellow cat enthusiasts. Let the trivia keep sparking curiosity about the delightful world of cats.

Embrace the fun, stay curious, and keep learning!

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